(Santa Ana, CA) — As of April 30, 2021, the OC Health Care Agency (HCA) Disneyland Drive-Thru Super Point-of-Dispensing (POD) site in Anaheim will close. From opening day on January 13 through April 23, 2021, the HCA, alongside partners including Anaheim Fire & Rescue, the City of Anaheim, the Orange County Fire Authority, and community volunteers, has administered approximately 220,852 doses at the Disneyland POD site — first through walk-up service and then as a drive-thru Super POD site offering Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)-compliant in-vehicle vaccinations. It is anticipated that by April 30th, when the location ceases operations, 233,000 doses will have been administered there. “On behalf of the HCA and the County of Orange, our sincerest thanks to the Disneyland Resort for being the first organization to offer their time, talents and property to launch and sustain our first Super POD,” said Dr. Clayton Chau, County Health Officer and Director of the HCA.As more local businesses are reopening and increased, full-time employment opportunities are becoming more readily available, the HCA has made the determination to reallocate existing staffing resources to other Super POD locations to bolster their operations. “I want to remind the community that our Soka University, Santa Ana College, and the OC Fair & Event Center Super PODs currently offer ADA-compliant drive-thru lanes to continue meeting the needs of individuals with disabilities. We’re not going away — we’re just balancing the changing needs of eligible patients with our staffing and vaccine allocations to ensure we can be as responsive as possible,” said Dr. Chau.For the past month leading up to this planned closure, the OC Health Care Agency has only provided second dose vaccination appointments at the Disneyland Drive-Thru Super POD out of convenience for those who received their first dose at that location. The HCA also continues to administer walk-up vaccination at the Anaheim Convention Center, Soka University, the OC Fair & Event Center, Santa Ana College, and through targeted mobile PODs. To learn more about additional vaccination distribution channels in Orange County, please visit: https://occovid19.ochealthinfo.com/covid-19-vaccine-distribution-channels. For vaccination and Othena-related questions, please call the OC COVID-19 Hotline daily from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. at (714) 834-2000.###