The City has scheduled a residential roadway rehabilitation project for City Quadrant D1. This year’s City Residential Roadway Rehabilitation Project will provide new asphalt concrete for the entire section of City Quadrant D1. The street improvements are necessary to maintain a smooth riding surface after years of weathering and continual use. The scope also includes the replacement of damaged sidewalks, curbs & gutters, and the installation of ADA curb ramps.Construction began Tuesday, August 22, 2023, and is expected to be completed by Friday, October 20, 2023, subject to weather delays and other unforeseen conditions. Working hours will be from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday, excluding legal holidays.While the project has been planned to minimize impacts to the traveling public, some construction inconveniences cannot be avoided. As with any major construction project, expect traffic delays and temporary street closures. Streets may be closed for up to 4 hours during construction; however, access to residences will be maintained. Please refer to the “No Parking” signs, which will be posted 72 hours prior to beginning work. The City asks for your cooperation and consideration while construction is underway. Please drive carefully through the construction zones.Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation during the construction of this important project. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please call the Public Works Department at (714) 593-4433.