Fountain Valley’s receipts from April through June were 17.8% above the second sales period in 2018. However, this comparison is inflated due to CDTFA’s transition to a new reporting system in the prior year which temporarily delayed distributions to the City. Excluding reporting aberrations, actual sales were up 3.6%. Strong sales by multiple general consumer retailers and increased returns from service stations were largely responsible for the overall adjusted growth. The City also saw solid summer receipts by building-construction vendors and the recent opening of a grocery store further contributed. In contrast, the closeout of a casual dining establishment hurt restaurant results, while one time allocations received in the prior year temporarily impacted business-industry.The City’s voter approved one-cent transaction tax, Measure HH, generated an additional $3,245,218 a 17% increase over last year, was also dramatically impacted by CDTFA software changes. Once adjusted, the measure experienced a solid 8% gain.To read about California overall and marketplace facilitator act, click here.